“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”– Japanese Proverb
10 years ago, I began a journey to better my health and I lost a lot of weight.. 74 lbs! Some of you may remember my sharing that journey with you on the air. Then, what happens to many happened to me. Over time, the weight slowly crept back on.
Fast forward to today. I'm 40 years old, not getting any younger! But I knew even at my age, I should be feeling better than I had been. I decided it was time to make some changes and try again. I thought about taking a new journey of better health and sharing it with my listeners again, but I felt a little apprehensive at first. I wasn't proud of the fact that I'd gained the weight back, but I thought it through and you know what? I realized that many people know the struggle, and many people would relate.
Enter: SkinnyWeek! (keep reading for a special offer for my listeners when you join!)
I've known Cherie Blessum over the years through the twists and turns of my journey and once I heard about her new locally owned weight management club, SkinnyWeek, I was definitely interested! With nearly 2 decades of weight management experience behind it, and knowing Cherie was such a fun and motivating leader, I knew SkinnyWeek would be a great option for me.
Losing weight is a journey that's all about lifestyle change. And that's what SkinnyWeek is all about! Relearning the steps toward better health and making it happen. But leaving the room to still live your life. No gimmicks, just better habits. Weekly weigh ins keep us accountable, meetings help keep us motivated and give us the tools to help us succeed. And I love the camaraderie that the meetings build, too! Because we celebrate together, and we share our struggles too. You can attend the in-person meetings or virtual meetings.
SkinnyWeek also uses an awesome food tracking app to help count calories but you can even bring your own app if you have one you already use! And if you are focused on cutting back more on things like sugar or carbs.. or even if you do keto.. there are options in the app to help customize it best to your own unique needs. And their website offers "Members Only" features too, like access to info from past meetings and healthy recipes.
I just started up at the end of January, and on my own personal journey so far, I've lost 12.4 lbs.* I feel great! So.. what do you think?
Want to learn more? Check out http://www.skinnyweek.com.. tell them you read my blog about SkinnyWeek and you get 50% off your first month after attending 2 meetings.. but hurry, this offer is only good through the month of April!
So.. are you ready? Let's do this! See you at the next meeting! (:
*As any weight loss journey goes, results do vary